Tuesday 8 April 2008

There’s snow business like show business

Despite three inches of snow in the morning of 6th April, we had a full turnout for the jam, and a generous audience. Our invited bass player must have been deterred by frightening accounts of the weather north of Reading, but we were lucky to have two bass players turn up on spec, Paul Jefferies and Julian Moss, to whom we are especially grateful. None of the horns found it necessary to use their real books, despite the introduction of a couple of new tunes (Sidewinder and Four) to our familiar playlist. Next time we plan to include Sweet Sue (in G major) in honour of our hostess, so come prepared on Sunday May 4th for an 8pm start. Check http://www.redlion.biz/ for directions to the pub. Post here on the blog the titles you would like to play next time. It helps others to know and allows the rhythm section to have the music handy to support you better.